Sunday, November 30, 2014


we all have to make decisions,weather they hurt us or benefit us.Making decisions are basically the most common thing that might scar me(mentally) for some time.Once a bad decision is made,everything changes.I honestly think,in decision making,good or bad,we have to make a choice.Which sometimes,that choice may seem good for the moment,but has its consequences. This year,i made a lot of wrong choices,not learning to control myself,not abled to hold in my emotions,instead i misused alot of things,i made good benefits end up worthless.For that,this year is ending,i decided to dedicate this to the people i hurt/offended this year.I made a lot of wrong worthless decisions,but now,i know,its never to late to make it right,which is why,if i ever did offend you,made bad decisions i truly am sorry. 

have a great night everyone :)

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